Monday, March 7, 2011

Water Rescue

Station 39 (Shinglehouse) have been dispatched to Park Ave. For a water rescue. Chiefs 39, 39-30, 39-20 and Rescue 39-8 all responded. Command on scene would report patient had been found and was being taken to the command post.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pole Fire

Station 48 (Coudersport) were dispatched to Ave. B for a pole fire. Chief 48, engine 48-2, and dept 48 fire police responded. Command had all other units standby at station

Gas Leak

At 10:24 Station 48 (Coudersport) were dispatched for a gas leak in the Boro. Chiefs 48 and 48-10 , Engines 48-2, 48-1, Rescue 48-8 all responded. It was reported that truck had backed into a gas meter. Residents were evacuated.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


At 04:58 Station 37 (Genesee) were dispatched for a MVA in Genesee Twsp. Chief 37-10 and Engine 37-1 responded.